LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Everest Foundation (“EF”), a non-profit 501(c)(3) that focuses on the advancement of medical research on a national level, announced today that it is teaming up with Project Angel Food to sponsor its newest initiative – The Everest Foundation Telephone Angels Program, with a $55,000 donation.

Project Angel Food, a Los Angeles organization that provides medically tailored meals to people living with critical illnesses, began piloting the Telephone Angels program in April 2020. In addition to their regular meal deliveries, this program pairs volunteers with Project Angel Food clients that who identify as feeling isolated and alone. Volunteers connect with those clients over the phone for weekly or twice-weekly social check-ins. Volunteers do not offer medical advice or psychological counseling, simply camaraderie and friendship. Since the pilot program launched, 90 percent of the people participating have said their mood has improved because of the calls. Through its sponsorship, The Everest Foundation ensures the program can provide training and recruitment for volunteers and technical support to expansion to more Project Angel Food clients.
“We are so thrilled to be working with Project Angel Food on this important and necessary program,” said Everest Foundation Chair, Agata Everest and husband Dr. Michael Everest, Founder and Chairman Emeritus. “The Everest Foundation’s Telephone Angels program provides a holistic approach to health, focusing on their mental well-being as well as their physical health. Dealing with a critical illness is difficult enough, without the added isolation. We are proud to be a part of that solution.”
The Everest Foundation, as a whole, strives to change the future of medicine by instituting global initiatives, such as research, graduate medical education and venture philanthropy. The foundation has committed, and continues to commit, millions of dollars to the funding needs of innovative research initiatives, medical resident placement and supporting underserved communities.
Richard Ayoub, Executive Director of Project Angel Food said, “Volunteers can spend 10 minutes on a cheer up call with a client or, in the case of one volunteer with whom I spoke, two hours. Sometimes you just need someone to listen. This is why the Everest Foundation Telephone Angels Program is so important,” “
For additional information about The Everest Foundation, visit www.theeverestfoundation.org. To learn more about Project Angel Food or volunteer options visit www.angelfood.org.
The Everest Foundation is a global non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, based in Los Angeles, that provides opportunities for the advancement of innovation in medical education and cutting-edge medical research. The foundation optimizes the influence and nature of residency programs and provides funding for program-specific initiatives, benefiting the teaching hospital and individual program, along with funding for medical research training and addressing the needs of communities, programs, trainees, physicians, and scientists.
From its kitchen in Los Angeles, Project Angel Food provides medically tailored meals to 2,300 people per day who are living with life-threatening illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Deemed an essential service by the Mayor’s office, Project Angel Food delivers meals to clients throughout 4,000+ square miles of Los Angeles County. The organization has prepared and delivered over 13-million meals since its founding in 1989 in response to the AIDS; and over a million in 2020 alone in response the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Media Contact:
Jodi Perkins
SOURCE The Everest Foundation