The Beef Initiative Launches I AM TEXAS SLIM FOUNDATION 501(c)(3) Nonprofit with First 10k Grant Awarded to Wrich Ranch—Immediately Begins Addressing Needs Amid Smokehouse Creek Fires

AMARILLO, Texas, March 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Beef Initiative has just launched the I AM TEXAS SLIM FOUNDATION, a federally registered 501(c)(3), awarding the first grant allocation of $10,000 to Wrich Ranch of Colorado. Without skipping a beat, the Foundation is now rising to address multifaceted challenges presented by fires blazing through Texas and parts of the panhandle. 

Jason Wrich embodies the five pillars of the foundation,” Founder, Texas Slim, said. “Wrich is an educator who has demonstrated strong leadership in the area of regenerative ranching and we’re pleased that the Foundation has raised $10,000 to help support the Wrich Ranch as it continues to educate future generations and lead by example.”

Rather than rest on its laurels, the Foundation has immediately set a plan into motion to address hay,  and water shortages to impacted cattle of the Smokehouse Creek fires—currently zero percent contained and blazing through 1.1 million acres of the Texas panhandle.

“On behalf of BetterFedFoods, we were happy to donate the sale proceeds of a top bull to the Foundation’s relief efforts,” Sales Manager Steve Williams, said. “We know that the money raised from this bull will help heal and restore prairie and grasslands in order to sustain impacted cattle and bison herds.”

“The world is watching,” Texas Slim said. “The way in which our industry pulls together to address this disaster and plan for the future, will have far-reaching impacts on the world’s food supply. We’re going to do our part to help mitigate global disruptions today, while shaping a regenerative landscape for tomorrow.”

The Foundation will help extend the Beef Initiative’s vision and efforts to secure the food supply of the United States and beyond by supporting ranchers who produce nutrient-dense animal proteins locally, focused on feeding underserved communities globally. The Foundation will continue to raise funds, and award them to ranchers who exemplify the “Five Pillar” mission of the I Am Texas Slim Foundation:

  1. Feeding children
  2. Educating the next generation in stewardship soil health and healing
  3. Strengthening communities
  4. Expanding food freedom, and
  5. Unifying for food security.

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Breeauna Sagdal

SOURCE The Beef Initiative